Goodbye 2008
Hello 2009
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w*I ended my post like this*
"Slowness to change usually means fear of the new." -Philip CrosbyI think and i think. I just love to think. Maybe I am a thinker. I think so much that it is hard for me to write it out. We think we know some thing. We will be more understanding about life.
Suigintou from Rozen Maiden: Being left by Father, no wonder she is so satanic.
Because we exist.....^_^ (My answer...)
"Do you ever think of some thing new? I mean that you think the human need
to change in the way of thinking to form a brand new world. I want to know how
many of you think like that.
Don't you think that this life has been so
boring that what you do is what other people do?
The ability humans brain is
unlimited, even the world genius only use 3 to 5% of the cells of the brain. I
wonder what will happen if a human make use of the whole cell of the brain? Tell
me, is this possible?"